WCID Wednesday: What's purple air, anyways?

Plus: How do we choose and review actions?

What Can I Do? Wednesday is a free weekly email that collects the most timely and trending actions from our app into one handy place. 84% of readers rate it “pretty pretty good” or “hell yes”. Manage the emails you get from us here.

Happy Wednesday, Shit Givers.

It’s warming up a bit here as we transition into spring and me locking my kids outside for months at a time. Best wishes/warmest regards, and remember — control what you can control.

PS — Haven’t actually made your profile yet? It takes less than a minute, is free for 30 days, and you just need your phone and ID! Get started!

Let’s go.

— Quinn

Tornado Alley


  • Learn: How is extreme weather impacting food production worldwide? Use Carbon Brief’s (fun!) interactive map to find out. (go)

  • Buy: Purple Air's sensors help communities collect hyper-local, real-time, air quality data. Make sure the air in your community is safe with their indoor, outdoor, and portable (!) air quality monitors. (go)

  • Learn: Find committed climate spending near you using Grist's interactive tool, and then make sure your reps know that you want these projects — including transportation, clean energy, clean water, broadband access, and more — to remain funded. (go)

  • Learn and Buy: OBVIOUSLY everything is connected/time is a flat circle, etc, but sometimes “things” need a little help with the actual connecting part. ecomedes connects building designers, architects, builders, and building projects with the freshest catalog of impact-aware building products. (go)

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Yellow telephone


  • Be Heard: Despite all of your calls, House Republicans barely approved a resolution to cut billions from essential programs like SNAP, Medicare, and Medicaid, to finance tax cuts for billionaires. The Senate's up next. Ring ring, bitch. (go)

  • Donate: Maybe it was the Supreme Court voting to make water MORE toxic, but you guys are fired up to support Food & Water Watch’s mission. Let’s go. (go)

  • Learn: Lots of visitors to our “How We Evaluate and Review Actions” page. Exciting! (go)

Under construction#3
  • Learn: Maybe it’s the fall of USAID, or just generally giving a shit, but many of you are interested in our curated collection of global health resources. Never been a better time. (go)

  • Be Heard: If you, too, think taxes on tampons and student period poverty are categorically bullshit, you’ll love our state-level actions to fight them. Let’s go. (go)

  • Be Heard: It’s SO WEIRD people voted for more housing but the new administration hasn’t QUITE focused on that? Anyways — lots of you want more affordable housing, so let’s call our reps and get the YIMBY Act going again (or at least put GOP on record as voting against more housing) (go)

🗳️ Vote!

We're dramatically expanding our Be Heard ("call your reps") action coverage this year. What do you want us to focus on?

Imagine you can only choose one topic (add anything else in the Other section)

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Feeling slammed? Remember — you can save actions for later with an WCID profile!

Take care of each other out there. Thanks as always for giving a shit.


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