Faulty Cancer Research

Plus: public utilities, gene therapy success, and ants vs. lions

INI News Logo 2

Welcome to the week!

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback that there is a strong interest in more international (that is, less US-focused) news stories and action steps.

We hear you, and one of our goals for 2024 is to actively work on including content that is more relevant outside of the US and globally where we can.

We have a lot more to come on this, but for now, we will use this emoji:🌍️ next to news stories and action steps that aren’t US-specific so you can scan for that content if you choose!

Now to the news.

This week:

  • 🤒 Measles outbreaks

  • 🚚 Phasing out diesel trucks

  • 🍬 Understanding processed foods

  • 📧 Microsoft’s cybersecurity breach

  • And more

Have a great week,

— Willow

This is science for people who give a shit.

Every week, we help 27,000+ humans understand and unfuck the rapidly changing world around us. It feels great, and we’d love for you to join us.

New Shit Giver Ann wants to help solve “the confusions that unregulated AI is going to cause.“

Welcome, Ann! Everything with AI is moving so fast, and we’re doing our best here to keep up as we hurdle into this brave new world.

At its best, AI is a tool that is fueling some truly remarkable innovation that could help solve a lot of the issues we cover here — and undoubtedly, create new ones we have yet to foresee.

From My Notebook header

🦠 Health & Bio:

⚡️ Climate change:

  • The development of new LNG terminals has been paused by Biden. Woohoo! What does that mean about the climate movement politically?

  • Dozens of communities are campaigning to replace their investor-owned, for-profit utility companies with publicly owned ones. Is making the switch worth it?

  • 🌏️ The EU has made a deal on a “near phaseout” of diesel trucks by 2040. It’s not perfect, but when every 10th of a degree counts, it’s a good start

  • State transportation agencies are receiving billions in federal funding, but most are still focusing on road expansion instead of addressing climate change

💦 Food & Water:

👩‍💻 Beep Boop:

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Last week’s most popular Action Step was putting your tech skills to better the planet by checking out the Tech Jobs for Good job board.

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Don’t stay on top of the news — we’ll do it for you.

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The Good Shit logo v2

The best EV you can buy

…other than an e-bike, that is.

If walking, biking, or public transit aren’t options for you, there are now more options (and tax credits) for EVs than ever before.

Check out our guide to EVs (made in partnership with Rewiring America) to get up to speed on everything you need to know before purchasing an electric vehicle.

What is ocean acidification?

The ocean is basic, but its pH is dropping due to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide that is dissolving into the ocean, which is bad news for coral reefs and other marine life.

Read more about ocean acidification, and how we can stop it 👇️ 

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INI is 100% independent and mostly reader-supported.

This newsletter is free, but to support our work, get my popular “Not Important” book, music, and tool recommendations, connect with other Shit Givers, and attend exclusive monthly live events, please consider becoming a paid Member.

It’s all connected. Click for the full story 👇️ 

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In last week’s poll, 53% of you said “hell yes” to banning fossil fuel ads.

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