Important, Not Important

Shit Giver Feedback

This survey will collect feedback on your experiences with the newsletter, so we can keep improving and make this the best possible experience for you, and for everyone. Rest assured that your data is for internal use only, and will not be shared with any third parties. Complete this survey to be entered to win one of five $100 Patagonia gift cards!

1.On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the newsletter?*
2.What country do you live in?
3.What state or province do you live in?
4.How old are you?
5.What topics are we not covering (at all or not enough) that you'd be interested in reading? *
6.What topics to you want us to cover LESS?*
7.What section of the newsletter do you value the most?
8.Do you listen to the INI podcast?*
9.If not, why not?
10.Which of the following best describes your current industry?
11.What describes your job level?
12.How important is INI to your job/life?
13.What device do you usually read the newsletter on?
14.What time do you usually check you email?
15.Any other feedback you'd like to share?
16.Please provide a testimonial for use on our website and social channels. Include your first name.
17.You're so close! By completing this survey, you will be entered to win one of five $100 Patagonia gift cards. Please enter your email so we can contact you if you win.